SOTA activation of Serra de Cofer EA5/AT-079

On Saturday March 6, 2021, the bad weather that had been forecast had not arrived yet, and I decided to climb up to another "easy" SOTA peak, the highest peak in Serra de Cofer, 765 m (EA5/AT-079), never activated before. To get there, I drove to Fondó de les Neus and then to La Canalosa, and from there to Cases de la Inquisició at Alt del Conill.

I followed a path I took from Wikiloc .  

Most of the time there was no clear path; sometimes, piles of stones give an indication. One simply follows the crest. Sometimes small piles of stones mark the way. There is even a few with green paint.

In about 45 minutes I was at the summit. The best views were from a second summit facing east, a few meters away from the top. 
A few SOTA peaks could easily be seen from there (see the PeakVisor panorama). In the very middle of the picture, the small trapezoidal mountain is Fontcalent, EA5/AT-036 about 32 km away.

I operated my Xiegu G90 with a short 20m-band whip antenna (D-Original DX-HF-20) and a 6-m counterpoise, but I might as well have erected my 17-20-30-40m linked dipole, as there was plenty of space at the top!

I was there for about two hours; there was almost no wind, and, while it was cloudy, it was not too cold. It felt nice up there! The short compromise antenna, and a certain lack of propagation, made it a bit more difficult, but I logged 9 20-m QSOs in USB (two of which were summit-to-summit contacts) and 5 in CW, and then I made 6 more with my Yaesu FT-60 on 2m and 70cm with Alacant, Sant Vicent del Raspeig, and Cartagena. Half an hour before noon, I decided to pack up and go down again, so that I could be home for lunchtime. 

I am collecting data about SOTA peaks around Alacant that have never been activated before, and I am trying to go SOTA every Saturday morning, and spend the whole week looking forward to it. I try to leave notes and pictures at SOTLAS to help future activators. 
