On Saturday March 6, 2021, the bad weather that had been forecast had not arrived yet, and I decided to climb up to another "easy" SOTA peak, the highest peak in Serra de Cofer, 765 m (EA5/AT-079), never activated before. To get there, I drove to Fondó de les Neus and then to La Canalosa, and from there to Cases de la Inquisició at Alt del Conill.
I followed a path I took from Wikiloc .
Most of the time there was no clear path; sometimes, piles of stones give an indication. One simply follows the crest. Sometimes small piles of stones mark the way. There is even a few with green paint.
In about 45 minutes I was at the summit. The best views were from a second summit facing east, a few meters away from the top.A few SOTA peaks could easily be seen from there (see the PeakVisor panorama). In the very middle of the picture, the small trapezoidal mountain is Fontcalent, EA5/AT-036 about 32 km away.
I operated my Xiegu G90 with a short 20m-band whip antenna (D-Original DX-HF-20) and a 6-m counterpoise, but I might as well have erected my 17-20-30-40m linked dipole, as there was plenty of space at the top!
I was there for about two hours; there was almost no wind, and, while it was cloudy, it was not too cold. It felt nice up there! The short compromise antenna, and a certain lack of propagation, made it a bit more difficult, but I logged 9 20-m QSOs in USB (two of which were summit-to-summit contacts) and 5 in CW, and then I made 6 more with my Yaesu FT-60 on 2m and 70cm with Alacant, Sant Vicent del Raspeig, and Cartagena. Half an hour before noon, I decided to pack up and go down again, so that I could be home for lunchtime.
I am collecting data about SOTA peaks around Alacant that have never been activated before, and I am trying to go SOTA every Saturday morning, and spend the whole week looking forward to it. I try to leave notes and pictures at SOTLAS to help future activators.
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